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Real Women. Real Results.

See how women just like you are losing 20, 30, 50 or more pounds in the KGN University Membership while reversing their hormone & thyroid conditions while getting off medications.

“I feel like I have a new lease on life!”

“My lab numbers have gone way down!”

“I lose 6 pounds in the first 5 days!”

“The nodules on my thyroid are gone!”

Look at Modupe

“Once diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, I was told that I would be on medication for life. 15 years later and after just 3 months of following the Keto Girl Method, I’m off my Levothyroxine! I’m a Nurse Practitioner, and now tell my patients it IS possible to get off medication following the Keto Girl Method!”

– Modupe

Look at Tara

“I went back to my Doctor the 3rd month of following the Keto Girl Method, and he said “no, you don’t need to be on the Levothyroxine medication anymore,” and he took me off!”

– Tara

Look at Shelby

“So, so thankful for YOU! I can’t believe this journey started over a year ago! Thankful for the knowledge and empowerment to be able to maintain my weight loss for over a year!”

– Shelby

Look at Jamie

“My periods have normalized and for the first time I feel in control of food!”

– Jamie

Look at Emily

“14 lbs was all I was able to lose over a year and a half on my own of trying exercise, random diets, etc. I’m always full, my cravings are controlled and I went from a size XL to M within weeks!”

– Emily

Look at Jennifer

“Honestly this is going great. I am mid-way through week 3, trusting myself with food options. My mindset has already switched. I am rarely ever hungry before I eat again. I am not craving junk!”

– Jennifer

online keto coach testimonial photo alejandra

“Priscilla has been instrumental in helping any of my patients shed weight and maintain weight loss after years of being stuck. I appreciate her method because she utilizes a metabolic approach which improves clinical biomarkers across the board, resulting not only in weight less, but in overall health restoration.”

View Dr. Alex’s Website

Alejandra Carrasco, M.D.
qasim's keto weight loss testimonial

“Priscilla is one of the best dietitians I know as a physician. She genuinely cares about her client(s) and actually tries to understand them. Her knowledge about nutrition is excellent and I trust her judgement on patient care. What is great about Priscilla is she actually lives the life that she tries to teach her clients. For those trying to seek a healthy lifestyle Priscilla can truly guide you.”

Qasim Butt MD, Facebook Page
khris's keto weight loss testimonial

“Priscilla is a very kind and pleasant nutritionist with a virtual platform that makes it easy for my patients to interact with her. She is professional and a great source of motivation!”

Khris Ramdeen MD, MD Concierge
debby's keto weight loss testimonial

“I’m finding that what little changes I’ve made in my eating habits has made huge changes in my health. I’m down 12lbs and 5” total. I have more energy and love the way my clothes fit me.”

jamie's keto weight loss testimonial

“It amazes me how I’ve lost over 20 pounds, my periods have normalized, and I feel in control around food for the first time with PCOS!”

“I feel great! Always full too! It’s almost hard to eat all the food on my plan. Thank you so much for supporting me. I feel like finally something is working [for my hypothyroidism]. I have faith now – can and trust the process”
shelby's keto weight loss testimonial

“Through this program I’ve gained more energy, clarity, and confidence. In the last 2 months I’ve lost 15 lbs and I continues to lose weight every week. The best part is how maintainable the program is.”


Comments from Happy Members

Hey, Girl


If you’re ready to get off the yo-yo diet cycle once and for all, join today! We’re all waiting for you!

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